Tuesday morning it is grey but fine. Chat to Eddy about his
15m radio wire antenna. 50kms to Pongerup ranges. Loads of cars in car park and
people walking up through beautiful bush. Sunshine now. Balancing rock and
metal ladder to skywalk. Good fun. Drive another 50kms to Stirling Ranges. Camp
at Mt Trip campground. Lots of everlasting flowers. Beautiful. Put tent behind
bushes to get away from wind. Camp kitchen for dinner then campfire and a glass
of shiraz.
Cloudy next morning but as we drive to Bluff Knoll the sun
came out and all the mountains looked amazing. Very steep climb for 2 hours.
Bush, grass trees, flowers , cliffs and great views. Highest mountain in the
south of WA and a great walk. Coming down it became very hot. Lunch in the
picnic ground great view but very windy. We had out mattress drying in the sun
when it blew over the mountainside. Luckily a swiss guy got it before it was
gone for ever.
200km drive to Ravensthorpe. Mining town in decline but good
supermarket. Another 50kms to Hopetoun. Rough sea and going dark as we checked
into the campground. Old fashioned but OK. Some rain at night but lots of
shelter from trees.
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