Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Silver mines of Potosi at 4200 metres

The hotel in Uyuni was a great idea especially as Youngmi got the Bolivian Belly. She was well enough next day to board a nice bus on an even better road for four hours through the mountains. A ticket cost $5 about 1/10 of Argentine price.

Potosi, Bolivia

Potosi had the biggest silver mines in the Spanish empire and it is said maybe 5 million people died in the mines. As the mines were so rich there are some grand old buildings. In Potosi and some great xmas decorations in the square. Checked out some dismal hostels including one run by a frozen old lady covered in a blanket who looked at us and said No.Found a good place Carlos 5.

9 am next morning it was off on the mine tour. Olga led us and Daichi to the miners market where we bought gifts for miners : coca leaves, 94% alcohol, soft drinks, big cigarettes and a stick of dynamite. We didnt buy the ammonium nitrate to give the dynamite more bang. Got overalls, helmet, lamp and wellies and went up to one mine. The hill is full of mines all with different owners and all very prmitive but extensive. Walking into a wet muddy tunnel along some rough rail tracls the guide said run. Me and Daichi were off and dived into an alcove with the guide. We can see a truck hurtling towards us with a miners light on top. Behind Youngmi doesnt know what is happening and is saying dont go so fast. The guide rushes back and pins Youngmi to the tunnel wall just before the truck rushes past.

Other highlights included climbing from one level to another using a pully rope. There are no ladders in the mine. We also gave gifts to Tio a devil statute in the mine. Lots of miners working chipping rocks, pushing trucks and in the distance drilling. There is a german film the Devils miner which shows the mine life well.

Back on the surface it is raining but we find a great restaurant with a four course delicious meal for $5. Opposite Casa Moneda. A vegetarian restaurant serving llama.

Visit the witches market next morning where lots of natural medicines are sold. Dried llama foetuses seemed most popular.On bus to Sucre it is pouring down as we leave but brightens up.

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