Monday, 7 January 2013

Shoe repair and hair cut in Jujuy

Jujuy bus station and surrounding market pretty rough. Walk around the twon to find a reasonable hostel up the hill in a better part of town. Grand old buildings around the plaza. Dakar rally coming through in two days. After leaving bags in the hostel, we set off to find a shoe repair. Daves boots started falling off, maybe too much walking. We go into a very old shop selling things for shoes and horse seddles, ets. A man at the shop shows us a can of bond and explains how to repair the boots. Too advanced spanish to understand, but a young uni student volunteers to help. We say we want to get them repaired and we will pay. The shop man says they dont do that here. Walking out the shop with the bond, Youngmi scratches her hair wondering how to repair them in the hostel. The shop man stops us and puts bond around the ripped parts and instructs us to press the area after 20 minutes. We try to pay extra for his work, but he refuses to receive money. A good enough walk back to hostel to press the boots. After that, a dinner at Los Chinos old mans pool hall with a great waiter and pizza and beer.

Jujuy, Argentina

Next morning youngmi becomes brave to walk into a rather old fasioned hair dresser. A sign on the window says only 45 pesos (approx 8 dollars) for a model like hair cut. Dave chats with the hair dresser and an old lady customer in Spanish. Youngmi gets impressed about Dave's Spanish. Later Dave says he didnt know what they were talking. After only about ten minutes playing with scissors, hair cut is done, and eveyone is happy with the result. We then check out huge cathedral and church.

A bus to Tilcara through big forested hills then desert.

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