Windhoek, Namibia |
9am bright sun, modern buildings and Windhoek. A car collected us for Chameleon backpackers and we took two dorm beds. 18 private rooms were all full. Lovely clean place with a pool, bar and great kitchen. Walked 5mins to shopping centre and went in a big outdoor store Cymot. The manager a white namibian guy is very welcoming and shows us around. We have a great coffee and brotchen in their coffee bar and the manager then helps us to find Auriol Ashby who Dave was at university with almost 40 years ago!!!.He finds her on facebook we send a message and hope for the best. Look around the very modern city centre, old german church, dinner in craft shop and back to hostel before dark. Bottle of wine and chat to Frank in the evening. Very enjoyable.
Move from dorm to a very fancy room next day. Tour city again including old fort. See two wonderful looking african ladies who are covered in red ochre and fat to protect them from the sun and wearing nothing above the waist. Auriol calls the hostel in the afternoon and says she will come to pick us up. She takes us her beautiful home about 10mins drive away and introduced us to her husband Peter Mueller, duaghter Helen, a visiting german girl, two dogs and a cat. The dogs keep walking out of the back of the house then coming around to the front and knocking on the door. We all drink tea while Peter keeps asking for a cup. Walk around Alvis Dam which is very nice in the setting sun. Fish, salad and white wine for dinner -very nice then a south american slide show from Helen who has recently been there for four months.
Peter and Auriol tell us lots of places to visit in Namibia and offer to lend their camping gear. We are assured that it is unusual for elephants to walk on the tent. Peter drove us home at 10pm and the streets were completely deserted. This must be why the advice is not to walk around after dark.
Swakopmund |
Chameleon had no rooms for next night so we checked the cardboard box hostel. You were lucky I lived in a cardboard box. Not our favourite place and luckily Auriol offerred us a room Auriol collected us from the Chameleon backpackers in a wonderful old citroen. Many admiring looks for the old girl. Lunch at Chateau Auriol with Venta and Petrus with conversation in english, africans and ovambo. Used a washing machine for the first time in 5 weeks.To the theatre in the evening for a great musical by local kids. Dinner and drinks at the theatre after with Sandy the theatre director. She is planning a Namibian version of Inspector Calls by JB Priestly ,one of Daves favourites.Then to a Windhoek music venue, lots of people and great fun. Bus next morning to Swakopmund
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