Esquel, Argentina |
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After 6 wonderful days in El Chalten including three 25km walks to Mt Fitzroy it was time to move on.
Our last day was forecast to be rain and I had visions of sitting in the Albergue Patagonia watching the rain hammer down but it was sun again so we had more great views. On the day we left it was raining but Manchester drizzle not a storm. After 2 hours on the bus the road north was unsealed and very slippy. The bus slid around and made slow progress but after another five hours got back to a proper surface.Most of the way was flat as far as the eye could see. Was El Chalten a dream?
We will be at the overnight stop stop by 7.30pm said one driver just before there was crunching ,lots of black smoke and the bus stopped. As we had not seen another vehicle for 2 hours this was interesting. The road and landscape was similar to Australia in being very empty. After an hour the bus started moving at 5kms an hour . As we had 180kms to go this was not too promising. Eventually we were back to normal speed. Found an outback pub, had a drink and reached Perito Moreno at 10pm 13 hours after we started.
Youngmi was not impressed by the smelly hotel but any port in a storm. Next day another bus to Esquel and a lovely journey on a sealed road with good scenary and a great English speaking drivers mate so we new what was happening.
Esquel back in mountains some with snow but the biggest place we have seen for ages. Lots of shops, great hostel ,old steam train, the Patagonian Express and a lovely American couple who made delicious soup for the whole hostel. No hot water in our great hostel so we tried another YH around the corner and moved in.
Today I was excited as we were going to Trevellyn a Patagonian welsh town. We caught the local bus and found the town which may be the worst place we have been. Most was closed and the one open Welsh tea room refused to serve us as they wanted to close from 12 noon to 3.30pm. The door said they would close at 12.30 so maybe they were taking no chances. One couple in there had cycled from Peru and said they were also told the couldn't have anything. We visited the hostel in town and were told it was closed forever
A bit like Little Britain -Trevellyn says no. THe good thing was there was a regular bus service back so we could escape. Booked bus tickets for El Bolson tomorrow so we move on again.
Five weeks since we set off and we have been lucky so far with good places, weather and lovely people. Trevellyn reminded us how good things are in general.
Argentina to date more expensive than expected but there is always a plce down the road that people say will be cheaper-like looking for El Dorado
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