Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Ireland in August 2017

With Chris at Ducketts Grove near Carlow

Altamont gardens-beautiful and free

Altamont Gardens

Dolmen near Carlow

Irish hospitality with the Chris and Eilish Cray

Reenactment of Cosgrave election campaign of 1917

Kilkenny castle

Art exhibtion in Kilkenny

Kilkenny post box

Irish pub in Kilkenny

Chris's citroen

The dogs and garden of Chris and Eilish 

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Brunei 2017

First oil well in Borneo. Shell around 1910

Our favourite hotel the Pullman in Miri before bus to Brunei

Aqua cycling in the pool of the Badai hotel in Brunei. Yes they do put bikes in the pool

Boat trip on Brunei river

About 30,000 people live on the water in Brunei

Part of the sultans palace that reminded me of Brideshead revisited in the jungle

67 new houses for old people on the Sultan's 67th birthday

Our boatman for the 1 hour tour

Youngmi happy to be back on dry land in Brunei

Visiting in the mosque

Kuching Sarawak 2017

Circle in the sky in Kuching. In the paper the next day it was described as a 22 degree halo

The Brahma Khumaris supreme being?

Kuching Mosque

Dockyard from white rajah times

Fishing boats on the river in Kuching

Kuching from the river 

Kuching chinese temple.

The Brooke family motto "while I live I hope"

Not really 100% off

Sarawak museum

A head in the Sarawak museum. The locals were keen on head hunting and needed heads for funerals and new longhouses

The White Rajah's palace now government house

Pullman Hotel in Kuching

Youngmi not comfortable with the smell in part of Kuching

The water taxi arriving for fat bastard Dave

James Brooke the first white rajah of Sarawak about 1830

Fort Margarita on Kuching river

Spiky tree in the Orchid garden near the parliament

Ready for dinner in the James Brooke bistro on the Kuching waterfront-recommended

Laksa and Nasi Goereng-yum

Damai beach resort burger

Damai beach resort after a tropical downpour. Mount Satubong in the background

Infinity pool at the resort. 30 degs and cloudy

Hotel reception. Blowpipes were popular around here

Mount Satubong. Dave turned back towards the top as there were lots of rope ladders to climb up and it was pouring