Monday, 19 January 2015

Melbourne 2015

Altona bike ride

Near Ford Altona

With Robyn and Anne at the Doggies game

Federation square
Malcolm Frasers funeral. As PM he welcomed vietnamese boat people

Tony Abbott as PM he welcomed no one but he did knight Sir Prince Phillip !

Overflow from Scots Church was St Michaels church

Clunes book festival korean writer

Clunes book festival

With Michael Mori at Clunes. Military defence lawyer for Michael Hicks aussie in Guantanamo Bay


Clunes autumn colours

Footscray Market

Jenny makes another fine meal

The good life at Peter and Jenny's Alphington

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Youngmi and Valerie

Graduating from Sons of the West. My mate Nigel behind

Ready for the game after graduation

Smoking ceremony

My 59th birthday at McAlpine Court

Bill Shorten when we went to the Labour Party conference. He was very impressive

Melbourne street art

a typical rainy day in Melbourne. Collins St

Daryl Braithwaite singing "Horses"

Greens fund raiser dinner at Williamstown croquet club. Collen behind

Happy times with John Morgan

Rod Quatock show

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Victoria Alps 2015

Cathedral Ranges from Lake Mountain

Burnt trees Lake Mountain

Fungi in rain forest near Big Tree Marysville

Starting the walk up Bungalow Spur to Mt Feathertop

Federation hut below Mt Feathertop summit

Cathedral Ranges ridge

Flowers on Cathedral Ranges

Daylesford botanical gardens